HuntinOnThe Rock VII
- Mar,05, 2018
This being my 7th hunting DVD of Newfoundland, one may ask how long this can continue. Well, as long as I’m blessed with health and strength I’ll continue bragging and showing off this amazing part of Canada. These DVDs are not just about harvesting an animal, but rather the feeling of excitement in being able to enjoy the great outdoors the way we do here in Newfoundland. Over the years many clients have stressed to me how great a country and province we have. I certainly agree, 100%. I’m sure most Newfoundlanders will also agree that, although Newfoundland may not mean much to this world, it means the world to us!
The art of hunting may not be popular in today’s world but that does not change the fact that it has been passed down to us for many generations. My goal is not to promote disrespect for animals by simply killing them, but to reinforce our traditions, our way of life, something that’s become a part of us. Just as you get that adrenaline rush from a tug on the line, the rise of a fish, reaching a goal, or winning a race, hunting creates that same excitement.
In the past, I included a number of bloopers at the end of the DVD. This year I have decided to try something different, adding a part I call “Close Encounters”. As fun as the bloopers were, these encounters will leave you tired and out of breath! In this DVD you will see 10 hunts and the video runs for 120 minutes.
I’m Deon Dicks. Welcome to Huntin’ on the Rock VII.