Photos from our Plots
Every year we have tons of left over photos, either we took ourselves or photos taken by our Moultrie Trail Cameras. We decided to pick out a bunch and share them with you. Enjoy.

My big clover field started out fantastic. By mid summer I had a thistle invasion.

Same plot two months later. Thistle sucks. I may need to nuke this field in 2024.

This buck is only 3.5. I passed him up 5 times last year. The neighbors would have killed him but he spent most of his time on my ground and he survived.
I have a sequence of photos of this coyote chasing turkeys around my big clover field in March. He never caught any birds.
This shooter buck was wounded in archery and wounded again in rifle. He was later found as a carcass with his head cut off. He had massive infection from both wounds and was likely found dead by hunters during 2nd rifle. The 2 year old buck in back was killed by my neighbor.

Another great crop of late season beans. My beans fed hundreds of deer through mid-april.

Every night, deer would enter my big bean field and feast. I never harvest my soybeans for this reason.
Amazing photo of a defiant bobcat standing up to a coyote looking to claim this late season doe kill. The reason it's intact is because I found it the next day half eaten by coyotes. I put a camera on it for coyote hunting. Killed 5 last year.

I drilled winter wheat on my kill plot in August. came up great.

I have a lot of chores on the property. This redneck blind needed to be moved 50 yards to a 10' metal tower. It's not easy to move these things!

I watched this little guy get dropped by his momma next to my house. The next I day took this pic. Momma scooped him up two hours later.

This doe got bred in February! This is what happens when the doe to buck ratio is 20/1.

My kill plot was magnificent last year. Beans to the right and brassicas to the left.

This buck is 6 years old. He has been on my property every year. A perfect ten until he started fighting.

Same buck as above in January. Blind in one eye, and busted all to hell. I had him in front of my blind and passed him up. He survived and I have a spring pic of him from last week.