Food Plot 4 - Hancock Killer Clover Mix
Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use
Growth Results
Our 4th year crop was good, but suddenly I have an outbreak of thistle. It came out of nowhere as I never had a thistlr problem before. 20-30% of this field contains thistle. I sprayed IMOX, and then I sprayed Basagran which killed the exposed thistle, but not the root, so it popped right back up. I'm debating whether to nuke this plot in early fall.
Activity Results
Activity here remains consistent and decent. There are deer in it every night and a few bucks. With another 24 acres of incredible plots, it's adds a little variety to their nutritional needs.
This field is just one more item in the buffet. I have considered planting a new crop here but I don't think it's necessary. It's placement is better suited for pasture since my house overlooks this field.