Moultrie Mobile

Food Plot 3 - Legacy Clover

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

This plot was planted years ago, prior to me owning the property. I have been spraying IMOX and trying to control the weeds as best as I can. I have been lazy and need to nuke this plot. It's getting hard to maintain. It's probably 60 percent clover and 40% grass.

Activity Results

Activity was decent. This plot serves a purpose as a staging area as the deer enter my annual kill plot. The deer hit this field for a few minutes before moving to the annuals.


This plot serves its purpose as a staging area. I need to nuke it and start fresh but I will be using clover again for sure.

Plot Photo

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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