Moultrie Mobile

Food Plot 1 - AG Soybeans, AG Corn, Egyptian Wheat

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

For 2023 I decided to scale the corn way back, maybe one acre, and plant the remaining acres in Ag beans. I used Enlist beans which can be sprayed with Liberty (Glufosinate) along with Roundup (Glyfosate) to get a better weed kill. I also planted the beans in 7.5 inch rows. That worked well. The beans came up terrific and I had a tremendous bean crop for late season. My Egyptian Wheat also came up very well and provided a fantastic, 20 yard wide buffer between me and my neighbors.

Activity Results

Plot activity was good, but not great until the late season. The deer preferred the kill plot beans far more than my big plot, even though they were the same variety.


I liked the 7.5 inch bean rows. It put out a lot more grains than normal. The only downside is my post spraying on the emerged beans crushed a fair bit of the beans. Not much choice unless I wanted my beans fighting with invasive weeds all season. I had beans all the way until the 2nd week of April when they were finally wiped out by the deer. They were well fed by this food plot and I found a ton of sheds again in that field.

Plot Photo

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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