Food Plot 2 - Merit Seed Brassicas, peas, and Oats - and Ag Beans
Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use
Growth Results
I have had great luck with brassicas on my Ohio property. Planting brassicas 3 years in a row is not a good idea, so I decided to rotate my brassicas to my bigger kill plot. I split the Kill Plot in half. I planted brassicas on the north half, and Ag soybeans on the south half. They both came up fantastic. I planted the beans in late April and they were attracting lots of deer by July through September. In late July I planted a mix of brassicas, winter peas, and oats on the North half. They came up fantastic as well. This plot was red hot throughout the entire hunting season until mid January.
Activity Results
Activity at this kill plot was the best I've ever experienced. My top resident shooter visited this plot almost daily. I had a ton of does, and several trophy bucks visiting it, first for the beans and later for the brassicas. Activity here surpassed all the other plots combined.
I don't know what worked better, the soybeans or the brassica/pea/oat plot. Early season it was the soybeans, but by mid-October through January the fall, combination planting was pulling them in like crazy.