Moultrie Mobile

Food Plot 7a - Hancock Blackhawk Clover

Utilization based on game camera survey on this crop choice + evidence of use

Growth Results

While discussing an order with the good folks from Hancock Seed, they asked me if I wanted to try a tall growing, prolific reseeding annual clover called Blackhawk. I had a small spot of ground next to my beans so I drilled in the small .25 acre section. I it grew slow at first then in the course of one month I couldn't believe my eyes. It was 24 inches tall and thriving. The ground I planted it in was not ideal either, partially shaded and not well drained. Very impressive growth! I will be interested to see if this lives up to it's reseeding claim.

Activity Results

Deer activity was very good. The plot was located adjacent to my soybeans and during one particular month I had more deer in the clover than my beans. Typically clover takes two years to ramp up, this stuff shot up in a couple of months and drew deer quickly. I will be planting more blackhawk in the future.


I'm always on the lookout for new varieties. There is no silver bullet, but I was particulary interested in a fast growing clover that can compete with weeds. This may be a strong condender in that space!

Plot Photo (Macro)

Plot Photo (Micro)

Trail Cam Photo - brought to you by Moultrie Moultrie Trail Cams

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