Knight and Hale Interview - Home
Question 1 - What are your 'go-to' calls?

Listen to Turkey Hunting Masters Harold Knight and David Hale
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- What are your 'go-to' calls?
- What are your favorite locater calls for early morning, late morning, afternoon?
- Describe your Bowhunting setup? Blind? Decoys?
- Do you feel motion is important when using Decoys?
- When bowhunting - do you prefer head shots or body shots?
- What is your tactic when a Gobbler will not leave a Hen?
- Can you demonstrate some of your favorite sounds when calling?
- When should hunters STOP calling?
- How do you guys go about Designing turkey calls?
- What is your favorite diaphragm call style and why?
- How does your calling change in the Fall Turkey Season?
- What is the top mistake Turkey hunters make?
- How do you approach pressured birds on Public Land?
- What's your opinion on Fanning Turkeys which is all the rage now?
- What is your preferred shotgun/Choke/Load combination for Turkeys?
- What are your tips for getting Kids into Turkey Hunting?