Sitka Gear

Mule Deer

Hunt Cost: $5,000
Travel Cost: $585
Attempts: 1

Date Killed: 12/08/2007

Jake's Difficulty Rating
Mule Deer 0.5

Jake rated each animal based on three criteria:

1.) degree of training probably required:
2.) element of danger...(either from the expected weather, terrain, or animal)
3.) the cost.

Zero would be the lowest, and three would the highest.

He did not take into account the difficulty involved in taking a P&Y caliber animal (i.e. mule deer, etc).


Taxidermy Photo

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Jake's Mule Deer Summary

I hunted Mule Deer in the Sonora desert. I stalked to within 30 yards of a really nice buck on the first morning of my hunt, but he saw me about one second before I saw him, and he buggered with no shot being offered. Later that evening, I was able to get a shot at a nice, heavy 3X3 that was about 32 inches wide. I felt that he tasted better than whitetail venison, but the rum and cokes that I had with dinner might have had something to do with that. I actually had a difficult time getting him home on the plane, but we were able to get things squared away just in time for me to catch my flight.

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