Video provided courtesy of Will Woller, Summit Treestands High Places Television Show |
With Elk season right around the corner we thought it would be cool to show a short treestand elk hunt courtesy of our good friends at Summit Treestands. This clip, taken from Summit’s new TV show on the Men’s Channel, shows a bowhunter hunting free-ranging elk from a Summit treestand in Colorado. He makes an awesome shot and collects a fine 6x7 bull elk.
Summit’s new TV show has a terrific format which we’ve condensed here for web content. Rather than talk about it, check it out for yourself with this elk bowhunt ….
In video one the Summit guys describe the setup, location, wind direction and everything leading up to the shot...
Click here to watch - (3.6 MB) 
In video two the bull comes in range and the bowhunter makes a perfect heart shot - the bull goes down quick....
Click here to watch - (6.6 MB)
An innovative part of every Summit segment, they analyze the shot situation right down to a 3D arrow placement on the bull after the shot...
Click here to watch - (3.3 MB)