Disclaimers and Disclosure
Although the information found on this report is believed to be accurate and reliable, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any information, either isolated or in the aggregate.
While Bowsite.com is sponsored by some of the bow companies evaluated, no testing or commentary was performed by Bowsite.com. All testing and commentary is done by Silks Outdoors and independent of the site or anyone affiliated with them. Bowsite has no communication, nor do they see the results until they are completed and handed in at the conclusion of testing. Bowsite.com has maintained a strict, 'Hands off' policy regarding the H2H testing since its inception.
Maintaining the integrity of this test is what has made it so popular over the past several years. This is the top priority for both Silks Outdoors and Bowsite.com.