my morning location
AM Hunt - Steve pointed me in the direction of new stand
location so I hunted there this morning. At dawn I had a small buck with a
broken horn feed around my stand (see picture below). He stayed for a while
then fed off into the bedding areas to the South. The wind picked up and the
temperatures stayed in the 30's.
At 8:00 AM a second small buck walked by, he seemed to be scent-trailing
a doe. The last deer, yet another small buck, came in at 10:00 AM. That was
it for the morning hunt. I climbed out of my stand at 10:30 and hung a new
treestand in the swamp for Thursday morning's hunt - same place I hunted last
Picture taken from my evening stand
PM Hunt - I went back to the same general location as
this morning, only closer to the field edge. At 4:40 PM three does walked
by and entered the cornfield. By 5 PM there were over 20 deer in the cornfield
and one small buck chasing them. He came within 20 yards and I recognized
him as one of the smaller bucks seen on Tuesday. Overall the deer have been
plentiful but nobody has seen a mature buck yet. Hopefully things will pick
up here in the next couple days.
Video Clips
Link |
Description |
Connection Speed |
Video 1 |
video 1, small buck on day 1 |
slow (28.8, 56k modem) |
Video 2 |
video 2, small buck on day 2 |
slow (28.8, 56k modem) |
Video 3 |
video 3, small buck on day 2 |
slow (28.8, 56k modem) |
Video 3 |
video 3, small buck on day 2 |
fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL) |
Video 4 |
video 4, button under stand on day 4 |
slow (28.8, 56k modem) |
Video 4 |
video 4, button under stand on day 4 |
fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL) |
Video 5 |
video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 |
slow (28.8, 56k modem) |
Video 5 |
video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 |
fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL) |
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