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Join us as we hunt Maryland's Eastern Shore for trophy-class whitetails with Steve Rupert.

Past Live Hunts

Update for 11/13/00

Talk with the hunters

AM Hunt - my morning hunt took place on a leased horse farm. I set up my stand in a funnel of thick brush between a marsh, hay field and two soybean fields. I blew out several deer on my way in and noticed lots of rub and scrape activity in this area.

At 7:30 AM this small buck (picture above) came out of the top soybean field and came right into my stand. He was exhibiting rut behavior and seemed to be cautiously trailing a doe. I had a 18 yard shot but on these leases it would be a sin to shoot a buck this small. I let him walk but that was the last deer I saw this morning.


PM Hunt - for the evening hunt Steve Rupert and I hunted together on the farm where I shot a nice buck in 1998. I went to the exact same tree and set up my BuckShot climber.

I saw no deer (close) this afternoon. Just before legal sunset I watched a buck chase a doe around a soybean field. It was good to see that the rut is starting to kick in here in Maryland. Steve's cousin Ron College shot a doe this afternoon, not far from where I hunted in the morning. It was Ron's first deer and he was pumped!


Video Clips
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Link Description Connection Speed
Video 1 video 1, small buck on day 1 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 2 video 2, small buck on day 2 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 3 video 3, small buck on day 2 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 3 video 3, small buck on day 2 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
Video 4 video 4, button under stand on day 4 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 4 video 4, button under stand on day 4 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
Video 5 video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 slow (28.8, 56k modem)
Video 5 video 5, small 5 pt. buck under stand on day 6 fast (T1, Cable Modem, DSL)
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  • Sitka Gear