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Approximate distances to

Douglas 60 miles
Casper 80 miles
Buffalo 100 miles
Midwest 40 miles
Reno Jct. 40 miles

Ross &Ogalalla Ranch are the same place. 4.5 miles to Spearhead, 17 miles of dirt road from either direction

To Spearhead Ranch from Highway 387

Turnoff is 24 miles from Midwest and 26 miles from Reno Jct. Turn South onto dirt road on top of hill by mile marker #124 (Ogalalla Ranch sign). Stay on main road (after about 6 miles there are two turnoffs to the right about 100 yards apart, DO NOT take either one). About 11 miles from the highway there is a fork in the road, take right fork, go down hill past Ogalalla Ranch. Just South of Ogalalla take road to the right for 3.5 miles, then take left turn and go 1 mile to ranch.

To Spearhead Ranch from Douglas

Take Orpha Road/Wyo 93 (Turn North just before entrance ramp to Interstate 25, go about 100 yards and turn left). Follow this Highway for 20 miles, turn left onto Ross Road/Converse Co #31. Follow Ross Road for 36 miles (paved for 25 miles, then changes to dirt) Spearhead Ranch turnoff is on top of a hill just past a red barrel mailbox.  It is about 6.5 miles into ranch from the turnoff.

To Spearhead Ranch from Casper

Ranch is 80 miles going through Midwest or Glenrock. From Midwest take Highway 387 to mile marker #124. From Glenrock take Highway 95 to Highway 93, turn left, go 100 yards, and turn left again onto Ross Road. Follow directions above. (Glenrock road is usually better than Midwest road)

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