Welcome to Your Maryland Bowhunters Society!

Help us be an effective voice for bowhunters all across Maryland in Annapolis!

The Maryland Bowhunters Society works hard to guarantee that future generations will be able to enjoy the sport of bowhunting. Please join us!  You can e-mail the MBS with your questions or information at MBS E-MAIL. You can find national bowhunting information at the Bowsite, or you can check out these "live hunts" for Maryland sika deer and whitetail deer and bowfishing for rays in the Chesapeake Bay.

Your MBS Officers

Lou Compton

Vice President
Brad Watson

Ron Kunz

Executive Secretary
Larry Schwartz

Membership Secretary
Brian Williams

Check Out What's Hot

From the MBS President, Lou Compton


This is probably the easiest president’s message I’ve had the pleasure to write since assuming the office back in April of 2001. You see it comes on the heels of what was the best meeting and shoot we have EVER had. On July 21st The Heart of Maryland Bowhunters hosted the quarterly MBS meeting and shoot at their range in Patapsco Valley State Park. We had a very respectable turnout of 64 shooters that enjoyed a great course laid out by guys that really know how to set up a challenging, fun and competitive 3-D course. This facility was nothing less than outstanding. The course was set in realistic hunting situations with a smattering of “unique” scenarios that made the course a lot of fun to shoot. Everyone that visited the club for the first time that day had great things to say about the course.


This was the first time that MBS has hosted a cash prize 3-D shoot in recent history and it would seem the idea was worth repeating again. The winners in each category were; Open Division, 1st Place was Alan Wyatt and 2nd Place went to Archie Wright. In the Bowhunter Division 1st Place went to Shane Fitzgerald with 2nd Place honors were claimed by Chris Kellar. In the Traditional Division George Cavelius took top honors with Bill Fowlkes claiming 2nd Place. Unfortunately the list of third place winners was not available at the time of this writing.


The meeting that followed proved to be very productive also. There were about 25 MBS members and a few potential members in attendance. You can read the full description of the meeting’s activities in the Minutes in this issue but the one of the highlights that I wanted to touch on was the formation of an Eastern Shore Chapter of MBS.


A five-member delegation from the Eastern Shore made the long drive to announce their desire to form a MBS chapter in their region. This is the first time since the reorganization effort that the issue of chapters has come up. At the time of the reorganization effort, the officers thought it best to focus primarily on rebuilding the basics of the MBS infrastructure and to not promote the formation of any chapters at that time. There were no known MBS chapters out there at the time and to this date none have contacted the Executive Council to identify themselves (other than this new group). With the recent successes MBS has seen I truly believe that we can not only support the idea of chapters but that they will in effect help make MBS a more effective organization if they are run properly. 


This new group formed a grass roots effort a few months back and contacted me for assistance in getting organized. I have attended a few of their meetings and offered assistance in the way of interpretation of existing by-laws. In those meetings I have found this to be a well-organized group with strong support amongst its core group. They have a solid foundation and are being headed up by Curtis Dennis (or C.D. as he prefers) and Joe Powell. Both of these men have experience in leadership roles. They are both owners of very successful businesses; C.D. owns a heating & AC business while Joe owns an archery pro-shop and range. C.D. was also instrumental in the formation of the NWTF’s Eastern Shore Chapter some years back. That chapter is a very well organized and successful venture today. It looks like they are off to a good start and the Executive Council officially recognized their chapter at the July 21st meeting. There will be some fine points to iron out in the way of some by-laws changes so look for notices of that in upcoming issues. The primary area of concern is allowing chapters to have their own operating funds and access to them. We hope to get this worked out over the next few months. If you’re sitting out there and thinking of starting a chapter in your area I encourage you to contact me or any other officer to find out what you need to do. I look forward to getting into the issue of chapters across the state and seeing MBS grow.

One last area I wanted to touch on was not discussed at the meeting. On August 9th in Charles County Circuit Court the matter of Lance Canter was put to rest. Mr. Canter made full restitution to MBS and the matter was officially resolved. This puts this matter behind us once and for all. It took almost two years to do but the MBS treasury has been restored to where it should have been when the rebuilding effort begun back in Dec. of 2000. This has taken the hard work of a lot of people and for their efforts I am extremely grateful. I also want to thank you, the members that have stuck with MBS through those last two years. The MBS has come a long way since those days and your support has meant much in the rebuilding effort. We can finally declare the rebuilding era a success and now move the growth phase. With your continued support and involvement we can do an even better job

Bear Hunting in Maryland?

Well, a lot of good efforts went for naught this year as the attempt to open a season for Black Bear again failed to pass.  The good news is that the “new” Black Bear Task Force (BBTF) is now made up of a much more appropriate mix of people than before, and something sensible may come out of it.

One thing that the new BBTF is doing that was lacking before is publishing its minutes and making them available to the public.  You can read the minutes, see the composition of the BBTF, and eventually see what their mission statement will be by going to their web site at the following URL:



Get Out And Vote!!!


Well, it’s Autumn, and with it the frenzied activity we all come to expect.  No, I am not talking about the rut, I’m talking about elections. Like bucks chasing does, candidates are chasing votes.  The lures they employ are to entice special interest groups instead of 10-point bucks.  We, as bowhunters have a great opportunity and a vital responsibility right now and we must not waste the opportunity.


We are coming to the end of Parris Glendennings administration as Governor.  During his administration we saw the decline of the Department of Natural Resources as an organization that balanced the needs of the people of Maryland with the true needs of managing our wildlife to one where its decisions were forced upon it based on political, and often uninformed, motives and direction.  Many members of the legislature tried to help the DNR as efforts were made to solve the problems of our burgeoning deer herds and the danger presented by the growing black bear population in our western counties.  Unfortunately, much of this legislation died in committee, or more sadly, on the Governors desk with a veto stamp.


In November we have an opportunity to elect people who will support the needs and cause of hunters and outdoorsmen and women, or who will at least listen to the facts about hunting instead of falling for the emotional myths of the anti-hunting/animal rights organizations.  I urge you all to do four things: 1) get informed on what is happening, 2) get to know your candidates, 3) get registered to vote in the elections now, and most importantly, 4) get out and vote in November to help us turn this downward slide into an upward climb for hunting in general and bowhunting in particular.


You can get the forms to register at any local library or from your county board of election supervisors.  Make sure that you get registered in time for the elections.  Don’t miss out on making your vote count.  And don’t think that your vote doesn’t count; just ask Al Gore and George W. Bush what a few votes can do to an election.


Check out the web site of the Maryland Sportsmans Assocation (MSA) and see what is happening in Annapolis and review the excellent survey they sent out to all of the candidates about their positions on hunting and shooting sports.  One of the most telling pieces of information there is not in what the respondents said, but in who has not responded.  After all, no candidate is going to answer a survey that paints him or her in a bad light.  You can find their web site at www.marylandsportsmen.org.


Go to the United States Sportsmens Alliance web site, at www.ussportsmen.org, and check out the bills that were looked at by our legislature, which ones died and which ones passed.  Learn about the problems that are affecting us as bowhunters and outdoorsmen so that you can speak intelligently when the issues come up.  Be able to use facts and actual first hand accounts instead of emotional arguments or twisted logic.


See you at the polls…

Late Season Hunting Might be Just the Ticket

With the deer harvest during the firearms seasons being down due to warm weather and fog, getting in some late season bowhunting might be a good way to put some venison in the freezer if you haven't taken a deer yet, or get one that can go to FHFH!  Check out this link to the wildlife management areas (WMAs) in Maryland, there probably won't be too much traffic in the woods with the cold weather in January.

MBS Bylaws Now Available on the Web site!

The MBS bylaws are now available for you to read and refer to whenever you want.  You can access the bylaws from the drop down navigation menu at the top the MBS web site or by going to the bottom of this opening page whenever you come to the web site.

When changes are made to the bylaws those changes will be made to the web site as well.

Constitution and By-laws
Maryland Bowhunters Society
Organized on July 18, 1977
Montgomery County, Maryland

Article I
A. This organization shall hereby be designated as the “Maryland Bowhunters Society, Inc.” hereafter referred to as MBS, founded on the date of July 18, 1977 and incorporated August of 1977.

Article II
A. The goals of the MBS are to promote and preserve ethical bowhunting practices throughout the State of Maryland, and to seek and obtain additional bowhunting opportunities for sportsmen and sportswomen.
B. The goal of the Society is to unify bowhunters in a conscientious and sportsmanlike manner. The Society shall promote a positive image of the sport of bowhunting and assist other organizations whose purpose it is to support the sport of hunting. The society will actively promote bowhunter education, safety, sportsmanship and the education of the public in the role of hunters in wildlife management.

Article III
Membership Requirements:
A. A member shall vow;
1. To uphold the goals of the society.
2. To practice and adhere to all laws and the rules of fair chase when bowhunting game.
3. To assist others in developing archery shooting skills and safe hunting techniques and to facilitate goodwill among all hunters and promotion of hunter education.
4. To promote and practice conservation of all natural resources.
5. To conduct themselves in an ethical and sportsmanlike manner when hunting or engaging in society functions.

B. Membership may be granted to any person of good moral character who;
1. Has completed and submitted an application for membership to the MBS and
2. Has submitted proper fees to the membership secretary for membership and
3. Has had their membership application accepted by the membership secretary and
4. Meets the requirements as stated in Article III A.
C. Membership may be denied or terminated for;
1. Failure to meet membership requirements as noted above.
2. Willful violation of local, state or national game laws.
3. Failure to renew dues within 30 days of the expiration date.
4. Misconduct requiring action by the Executive Council by a majority vote.

D. Membership shall not be denied to otherwise qualified candidates on the basis of age, sex, race or religion.

Article IV
A. The officers of the MBS shall consist of the elected positions of president, vice president, executive secretary, membership secretary and treasurer. This shall comprise the Executive Council.
B. Officers shall meet on a regular basis (to be at least once each quarter) to conduct the business of the society.
C. Upon election, officers shall serve one two-year term of office. Officers who fail to perform satisfactorily may be removed from office by a 4/5 vote of the Executive Council or a 2/3 vote of the members present at a membership meeting.
D. The Executive council will be elected on alternate years of the two-year terms of office. President and vice-president in one cycle and executive secretary, membership secretary and treasurer in another cycle.
E. Vacancies on the Executive Council will be filled by appointment of the president and approved by a majority vote of the Executive Council. The appointment will be the completion of the original term of office which has been vacated.
F. Duties of officers:
1. President – The president shall preside at all meetings of the society, shall be a member ex-officio of all regular and special committees, and shall conduct such duties as pertain to the office. The president will conduct the meetings and shall appoint such committees and non-elective positions as may be required. The president will rule on procedural questions at all meetings using “Roberts Rules of Order” on matters not specifically addressed in this document.
2. Vice-President  - The vice president shall perform the duties of the president, in the president’s absence, at the president’s request or should the office of president be vacated.
3. Membership Secretary – The membership secretary shall receive and date all applications for memberships, keep an accurate, up to date roster of members (in a format presented by the officers), maintain each member’s application and prepare and distribute renewal notices.
4. Executive Secretary – The executive secretary shall be responsible for the administration of the society (except financial). The executive secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, and read the minutes of the previous meeting.  The executive secretary will see that each member of the executive council receives a copy of the minutes for each business meeting, at least one week before the following meeting. The executive secretary shall ascertain the membership status of members present at all meetings. The executive secretary will prepare the agenda for meetings and correspond for the society.
5. Treasurer – The treasurer shall have charge of all society funds and be responsible for the same. The treasurer shall place all money in such bank or banks approved by the officers, within five working days of receipt of same. Such moneys shall only be withdrawn by a check drawn on an active MBS account. Said check being signed by the Treasurer and either the President or Vice-President and shall be for payment of such bills/expenses approved by the officers. Any expenses, with the exception of normal operating costs (i.e. newsletter, banquet expenses, etc.),  that exceed $500.00 shall be subject to prior approval by a majority vote of those members present at a membership meeting. The treasurer will submit quarterly reports to the executive council of the finances thirty days after the end of the quarter. The treasurer will render accurate accounts of all transactions and a detailed report at each meeting and a full written financial report at each membership meeting. The treasurer is responsible for the collection of all fees, dues, etc. The treasurer is responsible for the filing of all federal and state tax returns and forms.

Article V
Appointed Positions:
A. Appointed positions shall be added at the time there is a need deemed necessary to the functioning of the society.
B. They shall be appointed by the president and approved by a majority vote of the executive council.
C. Committees shall be appointed by the president.

Article VI
Meetings and Elections:
A. Election of officers and specific changes to the constitution and by-laws shall be performed at membership meetings either verbally, or in writing by secret ballot, by fully paid members.
1. The Society shall hold quarterly membership meetings, rotating each meeting to different sections of the State thus ensuring that all MBS members have equal opportunity to participate in these meetings. It shall be the duty of the Executive Council to arrange for the different meeting places. Notice of the meetings shall appear in the issue of the official club newsletter, which precedes the actual meeting date. (i.e. If a meeting is scheduled for March/spring it shall appear in the January/winter issue.)
B. Any future changes to the constitution and by-laws shall be presented to the general membership in writing 30 days prior to a membership meeting and may be executed by 2/3 of the members present at the membership meeting.
C. All ballots shall remain with the executive secretary for a period of one year.
D. Time and place of membership meetings shall be decided by a majority vote of the executive council.
E. Quorum of officers to hold a meeting shall be three (3).
F. Only a majority vote of the executive council can call a special meeting of  the society.
G. Any member of the society may request a special meeting through the executive council.
H. Nominations for candidacy shall be verbal or written and said nominees shall consist of those members submitted by the nominating committee, who meet the following criteria. Nominees who also meet the criteria may also be nominated from the floor at membership meetings.

Candidates must:
1. Have attained the age of 21.
2. Be a member in good standing for at least one year. In the event that no eligible candidates volunteer for the office then the Executive Council may authorize a member in good standing with less than one year tenure to serve.
3. Be a resident of the State of Maryland.
4. Have broad experience and considerable expertise in the sport of bowhunting and be a licensed Maryland hunter.
5. Be of good moral character.
6. Have the skills necessary to carry out said duties of prospective office in accordance with the goals and directions of the society.

I. Those candidates for elected positions shall be elected by a majority vote of the society members present at a meeting.
J. The term of office consists of 24 months from the date elected.
K. Officers may serve more than one term of office.

Article VII
A. Individual members of the MBS may establish regional working groups hereafter referred to as Chapters, to represent and/or carry out the goals of the organization within a specific county or area. Chapter initiatives will enhance the visibility of the MBS at the local level and provide greater opportunities for the members to participate in convenient activities, which promote the sport of bowhunting. The following operating procedures will apply to all chapter activities.
1. Each chapter shall have a Director and Assistant Director. These individuals should be elected for a two-year term of office by all members in good standing in each respective chapter. There is no limit on the number of terms that can be served by either the director or assistant director. All chapter directors and assistant directors must also be members in good standing with the MBS and meet the approval of the executive council.
2. All events, projects or programs will have to be approved in advance by the president and the executive council.
3. All income/expenses shall be deposited/disbursed by the treasurer. Proper receipts for all expenses must also be submitted to the treasurer. Chapters will not be allowed to have to have their own checking or savings accounts. Any funds raised, less expenses, is to be used at the discretion of the chapter.
4. There will be no limit to the amount of chapters that there can be in a county. Chapters may also be formed out of the State of Maryland. (PA, WV, DE, VA)
5. All chapters will be required to meet on a regular basis (to be at least twice a year) to conduct business. Written minutes of same shall be submitted to the MBS president within 15 days of all such meetings.
6. Chapters will be subject to the same rules and regulations that are listed in Article I through VI in this document.
7. Chapters should promote membership through the dealers in their areas.


1. The fiscal period of the MBS shall be from July 1 through June 30.
2. The membership fees shall be determined by the executive council and approved by the members at a membership meeting.
3. All fees for renewal of membership must be paid within 30 days of written notification.
4. Those members holding appointed positions are responsible to the executive council.
5. No one member or officer shall speak for the society before any group without obtaining specific permission from the president with the approval of the executive council on official society policy or legislative issues.

      Adopted:  3/11/78  Revised:  8/12/84
      Revised:   3/15/81  Revised:  3/13/89
      Revised:   3/14/82  Revised:  3/04/95

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