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Interactive Blood Trail Competition 15 - You Track the deer




 Clue 6
An actual, recent, Bloodtrail

This bloodtrail is 100% real. All the pictures and steps are as it happened during a recent Connecticut Deer hunt in November, 2004. Good Luck!

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At 100 yards into the blood trail blood volume appears to be increasing. This photo was taken off a a log that the deer had to step over:

120 yards into the heavy blood trail you begin to find beds. In fact, you find 15 beds, some only 2 yards apart. All of the beds look similar to this photo below:

But the deer appears to be being pushed as it has not stayed in a single bed for very long. When it gets up from its' bed the bloodtrail looks like this:

Answer question 6 below.




Bloodtrailing Competition - Clue 6

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