Penetration 3 - Test Centered Triangle Shot

Bow - Bowtech Tribute with Smooth Cams, 90lbs, 27" Draw Length
Arrow - Easton 2018 Aluminum with Easton Trooper shafts glued inside. Lumenoks added to nock end.1100 total grains w/broadhead.
Broadhead - Muzzy Phantom SS (Stainless Steel) 200 grains, 2-blade double bevel. (Bleeders were removed).

This shot resulted in excellent penetration and damage. It was basically the same shot taken to kill my buffalo.

Results - This was basically the same shot taken to kill my buffao only slightly to the left by 3 inches. With a heavy bow and arrow/broadhead this shot will take out both lungs and penetrate well even if hitting a bone. In this test shot, the thin portion of the rib was hit where my kill shot dead-centered the rib. hThe

Cape buffalo shoulder blade hit
This shot Placement

Placement - Excellent
Recommended? - Yes
Penetration - Complete
Bone Impact? - Yes
Kill Shot? - Yes
Penetration 3 Video  
Cape Buffalo Kill
Shoulder Blade Shot and Forensic Examination

Click Here to view the actual Cape Buffalo Bowhunt on