Plant Identification
Food Plots
Messages posted to thread:
Bauda180 19-Apr-20
lewis 19-Apr-20
Teeton 19-Apr-20
GF 19-Apr-20
Bauda180 19-Apr-20
lewis 20-Apr-20
Deno 20-Apr-20


Bauda180's MOBILE embedded Photo

Can anyone identify this plant...thought it was a turnip but root is a long skinny root. Whitish in color. Base of stem is purple and leaves remind me of a turnip. Any help would be appreciated.

By: lewis

It resembles creasy greens aka dry land cress that variety is bitter but the one that has 10-12 leaves below the top is an old favorite in the Appalachian range.They put on yellow flowers like turnips.Hope this helps good luck.Lewis

By: Teeton

Do a little research on an app called " Plantshap " its a app for your phone. You open the app, take a picture of the plant, leaves so on and it gives you a list of plants that it could be. I takes a little to learn how to use it. It free or you can buy a premium version.

By: GF

Seems like Lewis has some familiarity with that one…

Otherwise, my best guess… Could it be a turnip that’s gone all to tops? Pretty sure I’ve seen something similar with root crops that got too much fertilizer… or in soils that are just too poor to support growing a big root.. If they’re growing in an unfavorable place, they are better off putting out seed that can take root somewhere else...


Bauda180's MOBILE embedded Photo

Thanks for the replies!! Deer were browsing this very heavy on our lease. Seems like they preferred it from the amount of material eaten

By: lewis

GF I grew up in East Tennessee and creasy greens was an old timey favorite that with my Mom’s cornbread and hot pepper vinegar wow life was great.Its a little difficult choosing between the bitter variety and the one less bitter.It has almost like a peppery taste.Good luck all and stay safe Lewis

By: Deno

Deno's embedded Photo


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